@drsamuelblee: ↓The Science of Abortion: What Really Happens.. (The Spirit remains..) - At the point of fertilization when the egg and sperm meet it is the parents energy or light body that fuels the physical and cellular development of the embryo/babies physical body for at least the first 33 days. - The babies Spirit has not entered yet and it is the parents energy that fuels the development of the forming fetus - The incoming Spirit of the baby (Spirit = pure Eternal Source consciousness made of infrasound radiation called E-TH-UR) cannot enter until between day 33-56. If the forming embryonic body is able to hold the incoming frequency of the baby’s Spirit through a frequency match then the incoming Spirit of the baby sends a temporary, easily RETRACTABLE chord into the Azure center/higher heart located in the thymus region of the embryo - However the Spirit is untethered at this point so no harm will come to the Spirit of the baby if the embryo should expire or abort due to a frequency mismatch or abortion choice - The good news is that the Spirit of the baby at this point is untethered and the Spirit is ETERNAL which means the Spirit of the baby is unharmed - EMBRYONIC INTEGRATION occurs when the Spirit of the baby TETHERS in to the embryo and takes over cellular growth: this can happen in-between day 33 all the way up until 3 days after the birth of the physical body - please know the Spirit is eternal and is unharmed, and on some level if aborted knew that that was going to happen and came in for the temporary experience - The Soul/light body (which is not eternal) of the baby (different than Spirit) does not engage with the body until usually after it’s 1st birthday - The amount of soul essence that can enter a fetus at birth depends upon the genetic code inherent to the fetus, which is primarily determined by the morphogenetic and genetic coding of the parents (The parents DNA coding) - The soul is not eternal, but the Spirit is.. so the baby can be aborted any time prior to embryonic integration and remain unaffected as it is a retractable chord/untethered prior to embryonic integration. - For all mothers out there who may have aborted in the past please take solace and know the Spirit of the baby is unaffected and Eternal. Follow and watch my previous videos for more.