@shadetv247: THE GORGE (AppleTV) - New and OFFICIAL Trailer feat Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy. The Gorge is an upcoming American science fiction horror action film directed by Scott Derrickson and written by Zach Dean. It stars Miles Teller, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Sigourney Weaver. See the entire Shade Studios universe, including in-depth reviews at Shade Studios. The film and television division of @ShadeTV247 Find our film critics on Letterboxd!📽️ Afrim Celaj, Lead Film Critic @afreemthedream Alfred Castaneda, Executive Editor and Editor In Chief @alftheproducer Marissa Hill, Executive Editor @marissahill Karlo Siriban, Senior Culture Editor @sirkarlo Steve Ramsey, Senior Film Critic @steveramsey #ShadeStudios #ShadeTV #TheGorge #AppleTV #MilesTeller #AnyaTaylorJoy