@lovelyskincare_by_olga: Have you already checked which @Rom&nd US shades suit you best in the Fruit Juicy Test? My result was Light Spring Warm Juicy with two recommended shades: #09 Litchi Coral and #31 Bare Apricot. I absolutely love these fresh, juicy shades - perfect for upcoming spring and summer - so they’re already in my cart 🙌 Today, I want to show you another Rom&nd Juicy Lasting Tint I adore: #38 Breeze Fig from the Spring Fever Edition. It’s a beautiful, muted rosy-beige shade with a creamy, non-sticky formula that never dries my lips out. Plus, it’s super long-lasting—the gloss stays on your lips after a meal, and the stain lasts even longer💗 What Rom&nd tint shades do you love the most? @롬앤 romand @rom&nd global #romand #fruitjuicytest #romandus #romandjuicylastingtint #liptint #lipstain #kbeauty #makeup #lipgloss