@kahlakha: Sambil nunggu kabar terbaru terkait efisiensi anggaran KIP-K, temen-temen boleh sambil tetep melakukan proses pendaftaran KIP-K di website nya yaa! Mari kita doakan semoga anggaran pendidikan tidak terdampak karena efisiensi ini🥀 #kipk2025 #pejuangptn #infokipk

Putri Padjadjaran 2023
Putri Padjadjaran 2023
Open In TikTok:
Region: ID
Thursday 13 February 2025 10:12:45 GMT




vierr :
halo ka aku mau nanya,aku sebelum nya belum pernah ada KIP dan aku barusan mau daftar KIP,terus itu di suruh isi ada nik,nisn,nspn sama ada email,dan aku udah isi semua udah bener informasi nya tapi
2025-02-13 13:22:26
Lou's :
kaa mau tanya, web nya ko ga bisa dibuka ya? loading terus padahal jaringan aman banget😭😭
2025-02-17 11:45:38
sagitarius18 :
utk snbt kipnya dibuka smpe kpan?
2025-02-14 21:25:45
akim :
semoga ya ka anggaran pendidikan tdk terdampak,org kecil kaya aku butuh kipk untuk kuliah🥺
2025-02-13 10:20:31
feya :
kaa, aku udh daftar tp no peserta nya liatnya di email yaa? kok aku ga dapet email nya yaa😔😔 kalo misal pake email yg beda sm pendaftaran snbp boleh ga ya?
2025-02-14 15:57:13
sdfa :
kalau gak lulus snbp nanti berarti gak lolos juga ya kIP K nya ya apa gimana?
2025-02-15 05:20:22
e.fgjder :
rumahku aku tingkat tapi uang gk ada, ortu udh meninggal semua,dan orang tua punya banyak hutang,itu kira² dapet gk ya?🙏
2025-02-20 05:21:20
Risti :
klo snbp ny sdah tutup pendaftaran apakah masih bisa daftar kip-k?
2025-02-18 20:22:40
4ever_4U :
kakk kalau kode akses itu berapa lama dikirimi ke email😭🙏?? aku udah 2 hari belum dapat kode aksesnya yah😭
2025-02-15 16:34:29
linda :
registrasi nya smpe kpan si
2025-02-14 11:46:37
♡ :
kalau sudah daftar snbp, hari ini udah gak bisa daftar kipk ya? atau bisa daftar kapan lagi?
2025-02-18 12:08:06
ascen :
kak mau nanya nih kan bapak saya sdh gk ad, otomatis saya isi pendapatan ayah 0,tpi untuk ibu dia cuman ibu rumah tangga yang sesekali dipanggi org bantu" terus dpt duit, jd saya harus isi pendapatan
2025-02-15 13:27:25
alexxa :
kak ijin tanya ,,untuk sertifikat kalau gak ada gimna ya,,tolong di jawab kak
2025-02-15 17:08:06
🌻 :
kak aku mau nanya . kan aku nggak punya kip tapi aku mau daftar kipk . terus pas aku urus dari minta SKTM sampai ke dinas sosial aku di kasi dtks gitu, pokoknya nggak dapet kartu . aku kira bakal dapet kartu nya . Terus klk udah ada dtks itu cara ngurus nya giman ?
2025-02-14 12:16:42
kalok mau bikin kip harus ikut snbt snbp atau mandiri g sih bingung
2025-02-14 03:36:14
xx :
kalo mau buat kip apa harus ke sekolah dlu yaa
2025-02-21 07:27:57
junalisha :
klo belom dtks boleh gak ka
2025-02-19 11:27:41
sulmahawa :
kpn pendftrn kip terakhir kk?
2025-02-19 10:02:51
im gonna be a star :
kapan tutup nya kk mhon di jawab klu blum punya KTP apa bisa pliss jawab
2025-02-18 15:18:28
andun :
kak kalo ga eligible, berarti nunggu snbt dibuka kan?
2025-02-17 22:45:06
Afatar🧕 :
ka mau nanya, klo baru mau bikin akun kipk, trs kita ga dftr snbp, aman kn ya utk tahap seleksi lainnya?
2025-02-17 14:08:04
이브누 :
kak saya pas masukin fto rumah mlh ga bisa kak udh saya kompres fto ny masi ga masuk itu gmna kak plis jwab😭
2025-02-17 05:44:52
Naylaxz._ :
kalau udah ada SKTM slip gaji ortu nggak usah di buat?
2025-02-17 05:03:57
SriSLR :
kak bisa ngga daftar kip kuliahnya tunggu hasil pengumuman snbp
2025-02-16 08:49:14
Mma Lika :
pendaftaran KIP k sampai tgl berapa kka...anaku pingin daftar
2025-02-16 07:45:33
To see more videos from user @kahlakha, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

Other Videos

Sausage, sweet peppers, mozzarella, cheddar, tomato sauce, Parmesan, and basil are all tied together with the beautiful @TABASCOBrand Sriracha Sauce. It’s the perfect finishing move for any pizza lover! Surprisingly it’s not that spicy and has more deep flavour than heat which was nice. Try it for yourself on your next pizza night! Recipe ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Dough  3 cups all-purpose flour  2 teaspoons instant yeast 1.5 teaspoons salt 1.2 cups warm water  2 tablespoons olive oil  Sauce 100 ml TABASCO®️ Sriracha Sauce 1 white onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon dried oregano  1/2 cup olive oil  1 liter crushed tomatoes  1/2 bunch basil, chopped  Toppings: 2 cups mozzarella pizza cheese, grated  1 cup white cheddar, grated  4 cooked Italian sausage 4 mini sweet peppers, roasted  For the Dough: 1. In your stand mixer add flour, yeast, and salt. Mix so evenly combined. 2. Add your warm water and olive oil.  3. Mix on speed two for approximately 8 minutes.  4. Place dough in a well oiled-bowl and cover. Let rise in a warm place for at least 2 hours. 5. Line a steel oven-proof pan with olive oil and place the risen dough inside. 6. Press the dough using your fingertips to help it reach the edges. Cover again and allow to rise in a warm place for an additional two hours. For the Sauce:  1. Sauté your onions, and garlic in olive oil on medium heat. 2. Once onions and garlic are cooked, add oregano and continue to cook for 2 minutes while stirring occasionally. 3. Add your tomatoes and turn the heat down to a low simmer.  4. Add chopped basil and allow sauce to cook for 30 minutes. 5. Remove from heat and stir in your TABASCO® Sriracha Sauce until evenly combined. For the Sweet Peppers: 1. Char the peppers on an open flame using either a gas burner, grill or blow torch. 2. Once charred, cover with cling film to steam.  3. After 10 minutes skin should fall off.  4. Remove seeds and dice.  For Assembly: 1. Bake off your twice-proofed dough at 500F for 5-7 minutes. This gives you a firm base for your toppings. 2. Top with cheese, sausage, peppers, tomato sauce and more cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 500F and serve with TABASCO® Sriracha Sauce.  Follow @TABASCOBrand for more ideas and inspiration. . . . #LightThingsUp #TABASCO #Ad #NationalPizzaMonth #PizzaMonth #PizzaRecipe #PizzaNight #PizzaLovers
Sausage, sweet peppers, mozzarella, cheddar, tomato sauce, Parmesan, and basil are all tied together with the beautiful @TABASCOBrand Sriracha Sauce. It’s the perfect finishing move for any pizza lover! Surprisingly it’s not that spicy and has more deep flavour than heat which was nice. Try it for yourself on your next pizza night! Recipe ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Dough 3 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons instant yeast 1.5 teaspoons salt 1.2 cups warm water 2 tablespoons olive oil Sauce 100 ml TABASCO®️ Sriracha Sauce 1 white onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon dried oregano 1/2 cup olive oil 1 liter crushed tomatoes 1/2 bunch basil, chopped Toppings: 2 cups mozzarella pizza cheese, grated 1 cup white cheddar, grated 4 cooked Italian sausage 4 mini sweet peppers, roasted For the Dough: 1. In your stand mixer add flour, yeast, and salt. Mix so evenly combined. 2. Add your warm water and olive oil. 3. Mix on speed two for approximately 8 minutes. 4. Place dough in a well oiled-bowl and cover. Let rise in a warm place for at least 2 hours. 5. Line a steel oven-proof pan with olive oil and place the risen dough inside. 6. Press the dough using your fingertips to help it reach the edges. Cover again and allow to rise in a warm place for an additional two hours. For the Sauce: 1. Sauté your onions, and garlic in olive oil on medium heat. 2. Once onions and garlic are cooked, add oregano and continue to cook for 2 minutes while stirring occasionally. 3. Add your tomatoes and turn the heat down to a low simmer. 4. Add chopped basil and allow sauce to cook for 30 minutes. 5. Remove from heat and stir in your TABASCO® Sriracha Sauce until evenly combined. For the Sweet Peppers: 1. Char the peppers on an open flame using either a gas burner, grill or blow torch. 2. Once charred, cover with cling film to steam. 3. After 10 minutes skin should fall off. 4. Remove seeds and dice. For Assembly: 1. Bake off your twice-proofed dough at 500F for 5-7 minutes. This gives you a firm base for your toppings. 2. Top with cheese, sausage, peppers, tomato sauce and more cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 500F and serve with TABASCO® Sriracha Sauce. Follow @TABASCOBrand for more ideas and inspiration. . . . #LightThingsUp #TABASCO #Ad #NationalPizzaMonth #PizzaMonth #PizzaRecipe #PizzaNight #PizzaLovers
