@shaysdailys: February 13th 2024 my miracle baby was born🤎 I was rushed into my second emergency c section while I was attempting a vbac due to decline of his heart rate, the room was silent as all the doctors pulled my lifeless baby out. With my first born all I remembered was immediately hearing my baby screaming, this time was different they lifted my baby from my body and it was silent I saw my lifeless baby be rushed over to the other side of the room as almost every nurse & doctor in the room ran over to him as I’m screaming why isn’t my baby crying, why isn’t my baby crying.. minutes went by and finally we heard a little cry sand then silence again… finally he started screaming and was stable.. they rushed him away to the nicu after letting me at least touch his chubby little cheeks and take a picture with him. He lost oxygen inside of me for several minutes and they were worried about brain damage by the time they closed me up and wheeled me to the nursery where he had to stay for a few hours they told me he passed all his test and is as healthy as can be😭🫶 one year later he is the seeetest smartest little boy. Even though I did not get my vbac it saved my babies life just in the nick of time so greateful #csectiondelivery #csectionmom #vbac #newborn