@jake.dearden: 1. Rest. The best athletes in the world sleep 8 hours per day. Recovering from your sessions is key. If you’re sleeping 4-5 hours per night, you’re already on the back foot. 2. Getting sunlight. This boosts your immune system, gives you more energy and helps you to relax. 3. Nutrition is key, an obvious one but very overlooked. Fuel your body properly and give it the resources to recover (protein). Don’t eat foods that don’t agree with you as this stresses your body more. 4. Stay hydrated all day. Your body needs water & electrolytes to carry out all of its functions properly. 5. Breathing & Grounding. Now this one sounds like I’ve lost the plot a little, but it works. Spend time each day walking around with no shoes and socks on. Also put some time aside to practice breathing properly. The one thing in common with all of these practices is that they all help you reduce stress. This allows us to stress our bodies more in training as we can recover from more - makes us fitter, stronger and ultimately perform better. Whats your key tips? #training #fyp #Fitness #motivation #mindset