@kierra_b_lifestyle: Girl, I finally found something that actually works for frizzy hair control and I’m obsessed. The John Frieda frizzy hair treatment oil is a total lifesaver! My hair went from dry and poofy to sleek and shiny without feeling greasy. If you’ve been struggling with how to tame frizzy hair, add this to your frizzy hair routine ASAP. It’s lightweight, smells amazing, and works like magic. Definitely a must-have if you’re dealing with frizzy hair tips or need a good hair mask for frizzy hair! #FrizzyHairProducts #FrizzyHairTips #FrizzyHairRoutine #FrizzyHairControl #HairMaskFrizzyHair #HowToTameFrizzyHair #ttslevelup #ttsdelightnow #toptierfebuary