@everything.orgo: Many times in medical school, you’ll find yourself at the crossroads of 2 very difficult places to reconcile with: should you study, or take a break? Everyone needs breaks, this is super important, but it’s also important to recognize that breaks don’t always look like sitting on the couch and scrolling through a netflix list you’ve seen about 30 times already- it’s more than that. A break needs to be a mental one- an escape from what seems repetitive and mundane. And it is within my friends, religion, family, and loved ones, that I find my “productive breaks.” Make sure you find yours. #muslim #medschool #fyp

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Saturday 22 February 2025 03:37:18 GMT




2124206l944 :
Do you recommend JS over MD anki if our content level is bad? I watched all ur vids for B/B but it hard for me to remember everything and I feel like MD does not explain everything as well as you did
2025-02-26 01:18:27
R :
Your hella inspiring bro keep it up
2025-02-22 05:40:12
Cinnamon :
2025-02-23 17:36:51
fatima.m411 :
Did you just
2025-02-22 03:38:02
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the new moon in aquarius happening on january 29th, 2025 at 4:35 am PST // 7:35 am EST will be a powerful activation in the collective, inviting us to redesign the reality we're experiencing by reclaiming our authority over our attention. this new moon reminds us that our power lies in our perspective and what we choose to believe. it is an awakening for many people which will grant them access to a higher level in their own spiritual consciousness and will be an initiation for some into a season in which they will learn how to become the master of their energetic vibration, and therefore, the master of the reality they experience. the next three years will be teaching us many wisdoms revolving around manifestation, but it is up to us to authoritatively take hold of our perspective so that we can first recreate the world within. this new moon will also have mercury and pluto in conjunction in aquarius, which will remind us of and enhance the power of our conscious minds, and considering the trine from jupiter (retrograde) in gemini to this new moon in aquarius, we are highly encouraged to take back the narrative that we're listening to on a daily basis—we're being encouraged to rewrite a story that we want to live out. the north node in pisces will also be beginning to join forces with neptune and venus, both of which will be reminding us to look beyond the physical plane and will affirm that we must believe before we physically see. these influences enhance the power of visualization as well, making visualization a powerful tool for manifesting under this moon. however, the south node in virgo points out that we may be clinging onto the idea that a physical practice or material thing will make us better at manifesting or will bring us
the new moon in aquarius happening on january 29th, 2025 at 4:35 am PST // 7:35 am EST will be a powerful activation in the collective, inviting us to redesign the reality we're experiencing by reclaiming our authority over our attention. this new moon reminds us that our power lies in our perspective and what we choose to believe. it is an awakening for many people which will grant them access to a higher level in their own spiritual consciousness and will be an initiation for some into a season in which they will learn how to become the master of their energetic vibration, and therefore, the master of the reality they experience. the next three years will be teaching us many wisdoms revolving around manifestation, but it is up to us to authoritatively take hold of our perspective so that we can first recreate the world within. this new moon will also have mercury and pluto in conjunction in aquarius, which will remind us of and enhance the power of our conscious minds, and considering the trine from jupiter (retrograde) in gemini to this new moon in aquarius, we are highly encouraged to take back the narrative that we're listening to on a daily basis—we're being encouraged to rewrite a story that we want to live out. the north node in pisces will also be beginning to join forces with neptune and venus, both of which will be reminding us to look beyond the physical plane and will affirm that we must believe before we physically see. these influences enhance the power of visualization as well, making visualization a powerful tool for manifesting under this moon. however, the south node in virgo points out that we may be clinging onto the idea that a physical practice or material thing will make us better at manifesting or will bring us "closer to god"—this is false. god, the universe, whatever your word for a higher power is, is within you, and this is what the north node in pisces intends to remind us of and help us develop a deeper understanding of over this next year and a half. it's time to wake up from the illusions of the visible plane and get back in touch with our inherent spiritual nature. you are the universe embodied; don't forget that. if you'd like to join me for my live new moon circle on January 29th, 2025 at 4:30 pm PST // 7:30 pm EST. secure your spot through the l!nk in my b!0—spots are limited. we will be discussing the deeper intricacies of this new moon and how it's contributing to the astrological themes of 2025 and how to dissolve limiting beliefs and replace them with more supportive ones. we'll also be doing a group visualization for manifestation. i hope to see you there!! 💗⚡️ #newmoon #newmoonritual #newmoonmagic #newmoonmanifestation #mooncircle #aquarius #ageofaquarius #plutoinaquarius #thematrix #3D #5D #quantumjumping #shiftingrealities #attention #fixedsigns #airsigns #spiritualawakening #pisces #northnode #realityshifting #dejavu #upgrades #evolution
the new moon in aquarius happening tomorrow, January 29th, is interestingly setting us up for a mental transformation that we're going to be going through through February 9th or so, when mercury conjoins the sun in cazimi. there are three conditions that planets can be in when they are near the sun—under the beams, combust, and cazimi. under the beams happens when a planet is within 15° of the sun, and will typically be when that planet begins to weaken due to its proximity to the sun's rays. once it gets within 8° of the sun, we call it combust, meaning that the heat the planet feels is so intensified, it is seriously debilitated and seemingly stripped of its power. however, when a planet is within 1° of the sun, this is when it is reborn through cazimi. in cazimi, a planet is said to have the power to
the new moon in aquarius happening tomorrow, January 29th, is interestingly setting us up for a mental transformation that we're going to be going through through February 9th or so, when mercury conjoins the sun in cazimi. there are three conditions that planets can be in when they are near the sun—under the beams, combust, and cazimi. under the beams happens when a planet is within 15° of the sun, and will typically be when that planet begins to weaken due to its proximity to the sun's rays. once it gets within 8° of the sun, we call it combust, meaning that the heat the planet feels is so intensified, it is seriously debilitated and seemingly stripped of its power. however, when a planet is within 1° of the sun, this is when it is reborn through cazimi. in cazimi, a planet is said to have the power to "weild the power of the sun for the day." a cazimi is also like the planet being cleansed by fire, allowing it to be purified and renewed. because this new moon will have mercury conjunct pluto in aquarius, we may feel as if many of the mental structures that have been deconstructing over the past week or so will begin to reach a "final collapse" and a rebuilding process will begin to happen on the energetic plane. the exact renewal may not feel prominent until february though, which will be when the cazimi happens. it will form exactly on february 9th, 2025 at 4:07 am PST // 7:07 pm EST. in the meantime, keep your cool, don't lose sight of the bigger picture, and try to remain consistent with yourself. #cazimi #mercurycazimi #underthebeams #combust #combustion #februaryastrology #newmoon #newmoonmagic #newmoonritual #mentality #perception #restoration #transformation #rebirth #aquarius #airsigns #fixedsigns #mercury #mercuryruled #pluto
the leo full moon will be happening on February 12th, 2025 at 5:53 am PST // 8:53 am EST at 24° Leo. this will be following a mercury cazimi that will be happening just a few days prior, and this moon will also be calling back to the aquarius full moon that happened six months ago. this moon invites us to release ourselves from all of the characters we try to play in others lives to satisfy what we think they want from us, it asks us to drop the act and step into our unique light, which may result in us not aligning with some people or things in the ways that we thought we once did. this may be a moon that brings up heightened emotions, as it will be governing over mars retrograde in cancer, which will not be concluding til later this month. this moon may be highlighting how we've become so consumed by being liked that we've forgotten what we like most about ourselves—we may be understanding that playing the part we think we should be is actually preventing us from falling deeper into love with all of our unique personal nuances. this moon may be highlighting wounds around validation or acceptance; insecurities may feel heightened under this energy and we may feel more sensitive to external criticisms. it is important for us to choose ourselves under this energy, and it is equally as important that we allow others to do the same. we may be understanding that we are not as aligned with some habits, social groups, individuals, or personality traits as we thought we were, but this moon reminds us that we are allowed to reinvent ourselves if we so desire. perhaps we've become so comfortable in a character that we've started to think that's who we truly are. this moon advocates for us to embrace the free flowing creativity that comes from our hearts, and if we are having trouble accessing that, it's reminding us to perhaps let go of external validation so that we can venture inward and reconnect with the true self within. saturn in pisces and mars retrograde in cancer will be in a trine at the time of this full moon, and lilith in libra will be easing the stress between the sun and moon, both influences will be encouraging us to liberate ourselves from people pleasing and overly accommodating behaviors. it may be time to pull back from things you've over-extended yourself to. #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #fullmoonvibes #leo #leofullmoon #confidence #authenticity #persona #identity #authenticself #cazimi #release #freedom #astrology #february #perspective #maincharacter #selflove #unconditionallove #Love
the leo full moon will be happening on February 12th, 2025 at 5:53 am PST // 8:53 am EST at 24° Leo. this will be following a mercury cazimi that will be happening just a few days prior, and this moon will also be calling back to the aquarius full moon that happened six months ago. this moon invites us to release ourselves from all of the characters we try to play in others lives to satisfy what we think they want from us, it asks us to drop the act and step into our unique light, which may result in us not aligning with some people or things in the ways that we thought we once did. this may be a moon that brings up heightened emotions, as it will be governing over mars retrograde in cancer, which will not be concluding til later this month. this moon may be highlighting how we've become so consumed by being liked that we've forgotten what we like most about ourselves—we may be understanding that playing the part we think we should be is actually preventing us from falling deeper into love with all of our unique personal nuances. this moon may be highlighting wounds around validation or acceptance; insecurities may feel heightened under this energy and we may feel more sensitive to external criticisms. it is important for us to choose ourselves under this energy, and it is equally as important that we allow others to do the same. we may be understanding that we are not as aligned with some habits, social groups, individuals, or personality traits as we thought we were, but this moon reminds us that we are allowed to reinvent ourselves if we so desire. perhaps we've become so comfortable in a character that we've started to think that's who we truly are. this moon advocates for us to embrace the free flowing creativity that comes from our hearts, and if we are having trouble accessing that, it's reminding us to perhaps let go of external validation so that we can venture inward and reconnect with the true self within. saturn in pisces and mars retrograde in cancer will be in a trine at the time of this full moon, and lilith in libra will be easing the stress between the sun and moon, both influences will be encouraging us to liberate ourselves from people pleasing and overly accommodating behaviors. it may be time to pull back from things you've over-extended yourself to. #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #fullmoonvibes #leo #leofullmoon #confidence #authenticity #persona #identity #authenticself #cazimi #release #freedom #astrology #february #perspective #maincharacter #selflove #unconditionallove #Love
