getting duetchs connectors or any connectors isn't that simple I wish it was
2025-02-24 04:09:08
Phillip Smith :
man i been working on cars 30 years and never thought of this. thanks for the tip
2025-02-24 03:04:43
boomer1787 :
Connector experts in Chicago
2025-02-22 23:44:18
67exec :
Digikey and Mouser are the best sources I've found. Once you're on the connector page, it'll show you what terminals work in that connector 👌
2025-02-22 21:13:01
it's me :
Auto mechanics can only get parts from the dealer or from auto parts, if it's not in the parts book, then they are stumped. if you can't find something, contact me, I'll find it for you...
2025-02-24 22:20:25
user3425366763595 :
It’s call a illustration catalog that parts stores have on there web sight
2025-02-23 13:12:53
Henry E Falcon :
deutsch connectors are the best and you the pins and crimpers and stuff as a kit online not cheap but cheaper than replacing a harness
2025-02-23 03:50:42
Ryan O'Donnell :
This is boarderline slander…. If not straight defamation
2025-02-28 04:35:47
ayylmao582 :
you are right with the concept, but you don't need to use Lens. With the factory manuals they provide you with every connector on the vehicle, the pin outs and the wire terminal part numbers.
2025-02-22 23:08:48
Jackie Hart :
Hello fellow HK equipment group friend.
2025-02-24 02:36:58
Chase_6.7 :
That doesn’t always work. I’m not saying it doesn’t, because you showed it does. But I recently was looking for a brake valve for a semi. Did the google search, and it brought up a completely
2025-02-23 12:40:54
MidShip :
Actually, it’s not that easy. It could say that and then when you type it in, it’ll be different.
2025-02-22 19:00:52
MrFixItGa :
You don't need Google lens. You can image search any picture in your camera roll.
2025-02-22 23:46:37
Tyler Fulenwider :
how is y'all's AI actually useful, everything it's looked up and found has been way off for me.
2025-02-22 21:26:51
nohamburgercheeseburger :
That connector is the same as the injector on a N14 Cummins
2025-02-23 11:26:19
Matthew Mac Millan :
I use to carry a box of random ones in my service truck or would always cut them off if I was replacing harnesses. I also now have back up stl files to 3d print them.
2025-02-24 05:10:39
nota600 :
I love that Benz puts the part number on the connector
2025-02-22 20:43:58
Bill :
lens is the greatest cheat code ever
2025-02-22 20:33:33
I remember when i discovered i could buy gm weather pack kits made everything so much cleaner customers were amazed when they got the car back
2025-02-24 16:27:59
Bro :
boy had the iPhone 8 lol
2025-02-23 12:45:43
The shop you mentioned are top notch people.
2025-02-24 00:52:29
Qwerty879012 :
You gotta work on big trucks Cummins and CAT, International all give you connector numbers and pins some even have videos to take apart
2025-02-23 14:49:53
cody claxton :
I work on crown forklifts and deutsch connectors are the best lol
2025-02-23 00:29:56
Turdferguson :
Toyotas typically have a number on the connector body, parts department clued me in. Makes it way easier submitting parts requests for them. (May only be a Toyota thing I have no idea)
2025-02-23 03:40:22
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