@mtunecessary: I wanted to shout today but as a Luo i will just talk in upper case because after all mlinitukana sana last week venye Addis ilikosa kuwa ya baba after we postponed the AU seat, yes we postponed it, because Luos don't fail, we postpone victory, in fact joluo koro onego uyaw pachu kabisa because that thing made me realize that as Kenyans we have a long way to go if we can't be united and do away with some politicians who have always thrived on divisive rhetoric for political relevance. I'm not a gentrified Luo or as they say posh Luos kata joluo mowar so I will always call a spade a spade, afuenyo ni jogi ok dwarwa nikech William Ruto ka oriwre gi jakom kendo round machielo to gineno ka SGR dhi chopo kata Kisumo kae very fast nikech ere rach ka odismantle notion mar embracing exclusion gi discrimination mar yudo dongruok nikech wan wan wan to gin gin gin? Walok pachwa buana