@jamie_rvmama: We’re raising our babies with the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with not having them memorize scripture, not talking about Jesus enough, not explaining his truth enough, not having enough grace, or not having as much patience as I should. However, I know my eyes are fixed on him. I know my children are getting the word in them. I know his words will never turn void. I know HE is the perfect parent even when we mess up. I know HE is the ultimate provider in every way possible. I have seen the Lords hand over our children who are 3,1.5, and 2.5 months old. He is the one who guides us, leads us, and will meet us right where we are. I love our little life so much and thankful for this little app making us some extra income in the last few months. 🤍 #sahm #sahmlife #homeschool #homeschoolingmom #rvlife #rvliving #ttshopaffiliate #toddlermom #postpartum #momof3 #youngparents #bluecollarhusband
Jamie | 23 SAHM 3 | ✝️ | life
Region: US
Tuesday 25 February 2025 03:39:25 GMT
kathytimmons :
Bless you & your family!! Following Jesus, is the way & light! 🙏🏻
2025-02-25 03:52:59
Olivia|Mama|Wife :
Wow! God is awesome!
2025-02-26 03:08:42
🖤 :
oh gosh i was just asking God for a sign that everything is gonna be ok & this song was the one in the background when a group came to pray for me at my house Monday! Ill message you when my kids are-
2025-02-26 20:21:30
𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕪 💙🏁🍒🌪️ :
So proud of you!! This is just the beginning 😍
2025-02-25 05:41:22
Vanessa :
god is soo good!! 🥰 love this for you and your little family ❤️
2025-02-25 04:14:31
Danielle | Mamahood+TTShop :
❤️❤️He is so faithful ❤️! I love your content friend! And I love that your a Jesus loving mama. Praying continued success to you and your family
2025-02-25 17:46:14
thatditzymom🌪🔥🌪 :
engaging and supporting ❤️
2025-02-25 04:01:34
Jacklyn_Faith :
okay but howwwwww 😅😅😅
2025-02-25 03:57:52
Rolin :
2025-02-25 05:53:36
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