This is so real driving in Texas is a daily fight for your life 😭
2025-02-25 17:27:25
✨Labradores Galácticos✨ :
Painter’s tape?!?! Not even duct tape?
2025-02-25 18:22:11
reckless_screwup :
I saw a 70+ year old women do a u turn in a four way intersection that connects to the highway
2025-02-25 18:11:27
Izaliz :
I'm convinced that was a forgotten god
2025-02-25 17:39:33
wtchnxtdoor :
You said gold pt cruiser and I was about to ask my husband if he took our car from WA to TX while I was at work last night….and then you said 60/70 y/o so he’s off the hook 😂🤣😂
2025-02-25 18:31:59
Sofia :
I'm about to move to texas and I'm an anxious driver 🙃
2025-02-25 17:28:05
tabro890 :
Painters tape is the craziest part of the story. That's a job for duct tape
2025-02-25 17:35:26
SwiftIsMySpringsteen :
With PAINTERS tape?!
2025-02-26 01:15:09
nali :
i know ur worried abt the vid being taken down but changing curse words in your subtitles isnt fair to hoh ppl or others who rely on subs! if u say it uncensored it should be in the subs uncensored
2025-02-26 09:04:28
Carly :
“My what a jag you are” me to the man in the jaguar that did something similar over the weekend while I was driving
2025-02-25 17:31:25
Frankie :
lmao. I once owned a pt cruiser that was occasionally held together by duct tape. this is SOP, I fear 🤣
2025-02-28 16:50:07
JustNOTAutisticPotato :
gee I wonder how his door ended up needing to be taped :o
2025-02-25 19:43:50
🌟Basic Beks🌟 :
grandpa? is that you?
please, your family misses you.
I'm sorry, ever since he met Amber Waves, a dancer from his favorite gentlemens club, he hasn't been the same
2025-02-25 22:59:11
verciofrome :
Driving in Texas is a new experience every time
2025-02-25 17:34:13
B.V.148 :
This sounds like some HTX 6. (Instead of GTA 6.)
2025-02-27 11:04:22
Benjamin Snyder :
I swear I’ve seen this vehicle before, absolutely ridiculous
2025-02-27 16:15:57
comrade_bat :
Since you got out of this unscathed (evil eye aside), I'm just gonna say that I love your Sailor Venus shirt ♥️
2025-02-25 21:37:53
𝔸𝕟𝕕𝕚 :
ah, yes, once you said Texas all the pieces fell into place 😅
2025-02-25 17:32:39
Po Tate :
Sir it is 9:30 or 10:30 in the morning in Texas, please pump the breaks on whatever is happening.
2025-02-25 17:40:16
JustNOTAutisticPotato :
there was an old couple that lived outside of town somewhere when I was in TX and the guy would drive 10 miles an hour on the highway and if you caught him too close to town you couldn't pass
2025-02-25 19:44:41
injonaswestan :
It’s a mystery how his door got like that he’s such a good driver
2025-02-25 18:58:04
sea breeze :
dude I lived in Houston for a year and to this day I still call cutting across 3 straight lanes of traffic a "Texas turn"
2025-02-26 07:05:49
Saira :
the sheer audacity of EVERY pt cruiser I've ever seen lol
2025-02-26 04:03:45
Debz Oamen :
Goodluck everybody else 😩😩😩
2025-02-25 19:17:21
Forge :
wtf, I'm just glad you're safe, that's just messed up
2025-02-25 18:34:55
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