@toolstoday: Cutting a giant rabbet into a solid oak timber using the 5hp Powermatic shaper! I'm using a huge 5.9" diameter insert carbide cutter taking a 1.75" tall x 1" deep rabbet and the machine had plenty of power! My dust collection is woefully underpowered to keep up with the amount of chips being produced here, that will definitely need to be addressed soon! All tools used are listed below and are available from @toolstoday, be sure to check them out on our site! -- Powermatic 5hp PM2700 Shaper, item no. 1280101C Amana Tool 150mm D x 60mm CH Insert Carbide Rabbeting Cutter, item no. 61485 Wera Hex Plus L-Key Set Imperial, item no. 05022640001 MicroJig GRR-RIP block, item no. GB-1