@denizsaypinar_: Having fun at the gym while working on my body and reshaping it as in my desire is biggest part of my life and sculpting and building it and achieving results makes me very happy ! I love being super super super healthy and vital and seeing myself glowing ! These shows that I m healthy and thats my main goal prior to the everything. In this workout I m working on my lower body while also retouching my upperbody . Most challenging exercise was Pistol Squat however nothing is hard to do when you put heart to it ! All these effort worth to reward of it because I love being healthy and looking beautiful and glowing ! 1- Dumbbell Stiff Deadlift to Squat 2- Pistol Squat 3-Jump Squat 4- Barbell Squat Clean and Press 5- Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 6- Kettle Bell Swing #babyprochampion #babypro #supersupergluteusmaximus #eliteathlete #ifbbproleague #ambition #joyatthegym #excellentshouldermuscles #babystar