@owlchemymassage: Cupping marks aren’t ever the goal for treatment nor is there presence a reason to stop treatment. The theory of stagnation suggests that cupping marks indicate the presence of stagnated injury debri at the cellular level and the presence or history of damaged tissue. . Deep eggplant purple discoloration suggests more severe tissue damage. Fire engine red suggests moderate stagnation or damage. Flesh or lighter colored marks indicate minimal stagnation and damage. Cupping marks typically dissipate in approximately a week. . #cuppingmarks #cupping #siliconecupping #siliconecup #cuppingmassage #cuppingmassagetherapy #drjoi #redcircles #eggplantpurple #purple #fireenginered #red #drjoi #owlchemyeducation #charlottemassage #phillymassage #notbruises #cuppingmarksnotbruises #whatthecup #stagnation #coloradomassage #michiganmassagetherapist #newjerseymassage #nashvillemassage #dmvmassagetherapist #marylandmassage #baltimoremassagetherapist