@la_torta.ua: Млинцевий рулет🥰 Цікавий спосіб подачі млинців✨ 🥣Рецепт млинців (~10шт в залежності від вашої пательні): Яйця 2шт Борошно 5ст.ложок Цукор 0,5ст.ложки Сіль - дрібка Екстракт ванілі - кілька крапель Молоко 300мл Олія 1ст.ложка Барвник гелевий водорозчинний - кілька маленьких крапель Крем-чиз: Крем-сир 200г Вершки 20мл Цукрова пудра 20г ▫️Крем - поєднуємо все і збиваємо міксером до 1хв. ▫️Млинці - змішати яйця, борошно, цукор, сіль, ванільний екстракт. Додати поступово молоко і барвник, далі олію. Залишити настоятися на 30хв, далі смажити. Готові млинці, після того як охололи, викласти як на відео. Від крему відділити кілька ложок для декору, масою, яка залишилася змастити млинці, загорнути їх у рулет. Обгорнути плівкою і поставити в холодильних ~на 45хв. Далі прикрасити кремом і сублімацією, ще можна глітером/кандурином подмухати. Смачного🌷 Крем сир, вершки, пудру, барвники, сублімацію, ванільний екстракт, глітер, кандурин, насадки кондитерські і мішки обирайте на la-torta.ua📱 #кондитер #кондитерство #кондитерськиймагазин #магазинкондитера #магазиндлякондитера #вседлякондитера #кондитерукраїна #latorta #latortaрецепт #рецепт #кулінарія #випічка #млинці #млинцірецепт #рецептмлинців #млинцевийрулет #рулетзмлинців #кремчиз #сублімація #кандурин #глітер #одеса #київ #харків #львів #миколаїв #дніпро #вінниця #готуємовдома #масляна

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Все для кондитерів🎂
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Region: UA
Wednesday 26 February 2025 09:23:28 GMT




Все для кондитерів🎂 :
Крем-сир, пудру, вершки, ванільний екстракт, барвники, глітер/кандурин, насадки, мішки обирайте в магазині для кондитерів la-torta.ua📱🎂
2025-02-26 09:28:35
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Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Tuesday that the U.S. would respond “decisively” if Iran or its proxies attacked Americans.   “The United States does not seek conflict with Iran,” he said at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council. “We do not want this war to widen. But if Iran or its proxies attack U.S. personnel anywhere, make no mistake: We will defend our people, we will defend our security — swiftly and decisively.”   Iranian-backed proxy groups have recently increased missile and drone attacks on U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria as Israel prepares for a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.   The Pentagon has bolstered its presence in the region, ordering two carrier strike groups into the Eastern Mediterranean after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.   Iran has a long history of supporting Hamas as well as Lebanon-based Hezbollah and the Yemen-based Houthis.   “To all of the members of this council: If you, like the United States, want to prevent this conflict from spreading, tell Iran, tell its proxies — in public, in private, through every means — do not open another front against Israel in this conflict; do not attack Israel’s partners,” he said.   “And we urge members to go a step further: Make clear that if Iran or its proxies widen this conflict and put more civilians at risk, you — you — will hold them accountable. Act as if the security and stability of the entire region and beyond is on the line, because it is.” #secretaryofstate #antonyblinken #blinken #iran #israel #unitednations #unsc #cspan
Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Tuesday that the U.S. would respond “decisively” if Iran or its proxies attacked Americans. “The United States does not seek conflict with Iran,” he said at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council. “We do not want this war to widen. But if Iran or its proxies attack U.S. personnel anywhere, make no mistake: We will defend our people, we will defend our security — swiftly and decisively.” Iranian-backed proxy groups have recently increased missile and drone attacks on U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria as Israel prepares for a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. The Pentagon has bolstered its presence in the region, ordering two carrier strike groups into the Eastern Mediterranean after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. Iran has a long history of supporting Hamas as well as Lebanon-based Hezbollah and the Yemen-based Houthis. “To all of the members of this council: If you, like the United States, want to prevent this conflict from spreading, tell Iran, tell its proxies — in public, in private, through every means — do not open another front against Israel in this conflict; do not attack Israel’s partners,” he said. “And we urge members to go a step further: Make clear that if Iran or its proxies widen this conflict and put more civilians at risk, you — you — will hold them accountable. Act as if the security and stability of the entire region and beyond is on the line, because it is.” #secretaryofstate #antonyblinken #blinken #iran #israel #unitednations #unsc #cspan
