@topvelocity.net: 🔥 100 MPH Glove Side Mechanics: Maximize Forward Momentum & Velocity! ⚾🚀 💡 Your glove side mechanics can either fuel your velocity or kill your momentum. Check out the difference between the wrong vs. right approach to maximize your trunk power and reach that 100 MPH potential! ❌ Wrong Example (X): • Glove extended out, pulling back toward the body and down. • Forces the trunk to spin instead of moving forward. • Kills forward momentum, slowing trunk acceleration. • Aggressive glove pull causes the trunk to break early, limiting velocity and increasing arm stress. ✅ Correct Example (✔️): • Glove at a 90° angle with full internal rotation, making it harder to pull across the body. • Allows the trunk to transfer momentum forward efficiently. • Glove turns over and tucks down at landing, working with the front leg to stabilize energy transfer. • Promotes optimal trunk acceleration, boosting velocity while protecting the arm. 🔥 Want to hit 100 MPH? Master your glove side mechanics to keep momentum moving forward and maximize energy transfer. 👉 Train the right way at TopVelocity—link in bio! #TopVelocity #GloveSideMechanics #ThrowHarder #100MPHChallenge #VelocityBoost #PitchingMechanics #EliteAthlete #BaseballTraining #KineticChain #ThrowGas #MLBDreams #BaseballPerformance