@flipmoss_official: Building a group of my own took me from no results to my first 1k day all the way up to over 1M I love seeing folks make moves because most people never do and that's why we are helping folks launch their own group Creating content has done a lot for me personally even though I didn't think it would amount to anything in the beginning I really sucked when I started too lol But I got better & better the more I did it and in time I got to a point where I was teaching other people Thats why I'm excited bout the Challenge we're running showing folks how to launch a community of their own & have it structured in the way thats brought us & students success. So many folks are already knocking the checklist out, getting new group members & even making sales even the Challenge doesn't start til next month. The action takers are showing up & showing out!! If ya want in let me know. Perfect for: ✅️New group owners ✅️Active group owners ✅️Group owners with dead groups ✅️ Affiliates ✅️ business owners that sell offers online We've literally made it as easy as possible to get things rolling All you need is a little action on your part. Feels like a new season for me and doing a lot of new things that are uncomfortable and I'm leaning into them to help more of you Anywho, Holla if ya wanna peep out the challenge details to see if it's for you Flip