@WifiWepOff :
Resurrection of intelligence in the service of time 🤔
🎯The AGRICULTURAL ReLOVution explained clearly:
*The phases of the Moon🌚 represent the lunar 🌘MONTHS🌒.
* the cycle of the Sun🌝 determines the solar YEAR💫365.24 days💫.
* The apocryphal and marvelous AGRICULTURAL calendar of the book of ENOCH, 7th direct descendant of Adam & Eve, lineage of SETH (great grandfather of the biblical Noah…😔) has achieved a perfect metonic cycle of 13 months, with a change of month at each new Moon. (13 X 28 = 364 days)
* It is on the occasion of the 13th new Moon, during the spring equinox, that at Easter, the new year can be expected 28, 29, without being able to exceed 30 days
* During these three days of waiting, it will be constant that the sun will have made the complete tour of the 13 zodiacs⛎, that 365.24 days will have passed, leap year included😉
* Farmers exult🗣️in uniting outside the multiple Julian, Gregorian, Solar or Lunar calendars, for the full benefit of the divine agricultural calendar of Enoch, that of the Garden of Eden 🔆 13 months of 28 days, eternally made up of 4 weeks of 7 days, hidden since the dawn of time.
* These telepathic days of waiting for the 13th new Moon are planetary 💫 communed with the antheogenes🤫, book of Enoch in mind or not, our hearts in unison✨
2025-02-27 16:11:27