@betteryoubettersociety: Meal Plan To Gain Weight Breakfast: Eat two eggs, six ounces of 85% lean ground beef with a side of potatoes. You can add cheese and guacamole. Or you can do two scoops of protein powder with almond milk or whole milk and add peanut butter. Lunch: 6 to 9 ounces of 85% lean ground beef, two cups of rice, and some avocado. Dinner: 6 to 9 ounces of 85% lean ground beef, two cups of rice, and some avocado. Snack: Protein cookie or peanut butter and banana sandwich. 🚨- For 1 on 1 coaching DM me “COACH”. #Fitness #mealplan #betteryoubettersociety #bybs