@thecomedyscore: 🎤 Chris Distefano: It's Just Unfortunate (2025) @Chris Distefano 🤳🏽 Now streaming on: @hulu Chris Distefano is trying to be the best father he can be, but nowadays, words speak louder than actions—so Chris is acting with the right intentions, but not always the right moves. Hulu 🚨 Don't miss this hilarious special! Share your favorite moments and join the conversation with fellow comedy fans. 🚨 💛 Like ✅ Follow 💬 Comment ↗️ Share @thecomedyscore ✨ @scorelaughs . . . . . #ChrisDistefano #ItsJustUnfortunate #HuluComedy #StandUpSpecial #LaughOutLoud #StreamNow #TheComedyScore #ScoreLaughs