@thiscatiscarbs: Everything is terrible except for kittens. Fostering is a great way to heal your heart and help your community! This fat little family came to us from our local animal shelter, and though mom is feral — unsocialized to humans — she’s made herself pretty comfy here with her babies, and she’s doing a great job growing them and giving me endless entertainment on my camera. Now is an awesome time to let a rescue or shelter in your area know that you’d be interested in learning about their foster program so they are ready when the babies start pouring in. From May through October, shelters countrywide are overrun with cats needing a place to rest their tired toe beans while they wait for a forever family. Most foster programs provide you with all of the supplies you need as well as medical care for the kiddos. If you don’t have the capacity to foster but still want to help, donations are always needed, but the easiest thing you can do is to interact with our posts so we can reach more people. Thank you for supporting our little rescue 💙 PayPal: biscuitsbreadsticks Venmo: biscuitsandbreadsticks #fosteringsaveslives #fosterkittens #fatkittens #chonky