@thetruthspiritualking7: Just me being honest, being real about the fact that it took drastic measures for me to realize I needed to get my life on track but once I got the message, I chose to learn and do the right thing and get on the right track I was hardheaded. I used to do what I wanted. It took everything for me to be able to follow the right path but now that I’m on the iPad I feel more comfortable and I feel like I’m doing what I’m meant to do every single day and I’ll never leave it or never not do it whatever God tells you to do once he gives you the sign to do it. You need to do it or are you going to suffer forever in life? Something I’ve learned from experience in time in my opinion and I got tired of suffering and fighting. Guess what I was meant to do so I listened it took a severe thing like Covid for me to listen, but I took the mess and I’m doing what I’m supposed to do now I just don’t wanna miss out on my ultimate opportunity and I feel like God gifted me this opportunity so I’m gonna use it and get everything I’m supposed to add of as I would suggest anybody to do if God gives you a sign to do something you should do in my opinion, but you would be surprised how many people get that last sign and they ignored it and go right back to what they were doing before I wanted to be different. I wanted to actually listen so I did and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done in my opinion, but this is my opinion for my personal spirit Experience