@prenatal.rdn: What she did 👇🏼 ✅We took a dive into her nutrition and lifestyle to figure out what we could ADD to make it more fertility friendly. (❌ I don’t love having you cut a bunch of things out, so we shift the focus to what we can ADD in first). ✅ She made changes to her diet and supplements based on HER specific needs. (My root cause approach is all about YOU personally). ✅ We focused on the things that have the biggest impact on fertility first, then built upon it from there as each step was mastered. It’s not a list of do’s and don’ts, but coaching that helps transform your fertility by guiding you each step of the way and tackling challenges as they come. 🫶🏻 I love helping moms master their fertility, especially when it leads to a positive pregnancy test! If you are ready to take that step into coaching, DM me FERTILITY and let’s build your plan. 🤍 #ttc #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #fertility #pregnancy #prenatal