@desimundauarmy: Ramadan Mubarak, wishing all those celebrating a blessed and joyful Ramadan.This is the third year that central Londonhas been adorned in lights to mark the holymonth of Ramadan You can sęe London's celebratory lights onCoventry Street, which links LeicesterSquare with Piccadilly. This stunning lightdisplay - featuring over 30000 glowingLED bulbs - will iuminate the West Endevery night from 5:0opm to 5:O0am,running throughout Ramadan until theevening of 29th March 2025. You can even spot a new interactive displayin Leicester Square, on display until 1st April2025. #LetsDoLondon #VisitLondon #london #londonlife #londontiktok #Mondontok #londonhotspots#londonguide #Ramadan #ramadanlightsuk #ramadan #VisitLondon #ramdanmubarak2025