@kendalclarkkk: When flowers and “I’ll pick you up at 8” turns into mental check ins and emotional support. 🥹🥲 Watching this clip back from my vlog the other day made my eyes water because how far we’ve come from dating and carefree days of just the two of us to the struggles of navigating our first “roommate phase” after having our first baby. (That’s a rough time so if you’re in it give yourself and your partner soooo much patience and grace.) And now here we are with our second. These little check ins from him. My ability to bring myself down and not snap at him from my own overstimulation. Which is honestly SO hard to do and something I try and fail at all of the time. A raw unfiltered moment of what romance can look like in the early days of making a family. #parenthood #motherhood #unfilteredmotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #relationships #marriagewithkids #relationshipafterbaby #roommatephase