@itsme.moro: it was funnier in my head guys my bad. 4 am in the morning... and I MISS MAKING MESSY ANIMATIC!! I like when you have to watch smr more then once to see what going on. and the goob is me by the way I'm the laggiest person you would know . . . #dandyworldsprout #dandysworldsprout #sproutdandysworld #goobdandysworld #dandyworldgoob #dandysworldgoob #dandysworldfanart #dwroblox #fanart #dandysworld #roblox #glistendandysworld #dandysworldglisten #dandysworldboxten #boxtendandysworld #dandysworldlooey #looeydandysworld #dandysworldpebble #dandysworldbrightney #dandysworldshelly #dandysworldrodger #dandysworldcosmo