@justine_vt: On a eu tellement de chance qu’elle n’annule pas !! 🫶🏻@GracieAbramsHQ Close to you, Gracie Paris 2025 #closetoyou #paris #tsoutourparis #tsoutour #gracieabrams
I would go to Brussels tonight but omg hear her voice?! I am happy that she is getting her rest and that she is going to postpone to another show where she will give everything for us
2025-02-28 18:38:50
louuuu.tpwk :
Supposed to hear this live right now 😕 get well soon gracie
2025-02-28 21:24:18
Jana🌸☺️💕🌅 :
supposed to see her tonight😭 #brussel🥲
2025-02-28 18:53:14
Emily (otp’s version💙) :
Laying in bed crying cause I was supposed to be seeing her right now