@mummyandherthree.autism: Oh how this used to be a regular occurrence when Oliver was in a setting that was not able to meet his needs. This was fortunately years ago, when he was in nursery. Since he has been in specialist provision we very rarely get any meltdowns from school. I can count on one hand every this academic year how many times he's come home and just been so dysregulated that he's had a meltdown instantly. Even with those it's usually down to not feeling well or another external factor and not school. His specialist provisions have been brilliant for him. I feel for all those children who struggle with his overload continuously because they don't have the correct support in place. It's awful to watch a meltdown, so imagine how it feels for an autistic person, having one everyday, one that's inevitable because of school! There is a reason why there is such a high rate of school refusals within the neurodivergent community. #autism #autistic #nonverbal #nonspeaking #autismacceptance #autismawareness #nonverbalcommunication #autismparenting