I thought it was on a string or something until it got to top of stairs and it froze in place
2025-03-01 00:28:06
lagirl100 :
They are messing with evil. Also, the dog is horrified in the corner.
2025-03-01 14:25:07
stevebukosky5 :
I saw more. I believe it to be heating system air currents.
2025-03-01 05:16:18
Mary Ann :
father I'm surprised at you, at everyone here that is falling for this😂 but as long as everybody enjoys it we all can use the smiles nowadays😂💙
2025-03-01 02:57:06
Eli Michael :
I'll just not go there father. you got this. I'll support you from afar
2025-02-28 23:22:37
Iyanzan's Mystique :
Bishop. I believe the lady who originally posted was asking for help
2025-03-01 09:39:57
Ryan Cochran :
The poor stuffed dog
2025-03-01 00:53:09
Sarah Jane :
I heard growling under my bed and 3 knocks in my house. Never had anything really happen in my house before. I've been here 5 years!.
2025-03-01 00:11:20
MoNkEy BoNeZ GaMiNg :
the video is in reverse
2025-03-01 05:08:13
Christina Burns29 :
That's put me off Elmo for life 🥺🥺🥺
2025-02-28 23:19:09
Theresa Burgess Hous :
Sir I saw this already posted & one woman explained how this works, it isn’t paranormal
2025-03-01 02:51:56
Patrick Ashley :
Heat rises, and it is rising up the stairs and dragging the balloon along with it… I don't think it's anything more than that
2025-03-01 04:56:21
I smell sulfur in my house alllll the time! I hear banging too and smell other stuff and see things move. Help!
2025-03-03 04:14:37
Amy Rossilli :
I'm feeling strings and someone helping it walk up stairs just saying
2025-03-01 20:12:43
Frances73 :
why doesn't Elmo run out of helium? It does look odd that it turns and seems to step up onto each step. I would question the light going out, but I wasn't there either so benefit of the doubt.🙏
2025-03-01 16:33:56
melissaallread :
From their videos yhey are hearing knocking now
2025-03-01 01:52:36
Edison :
It’s CGI watch the feet as the climate stairs a few steps towards the top they just slide from one step to another like it’s a flat surface
2025-03-02 12:30:48
Cameraperson :
the dog freaking out is a bit telling too.
2025-03-02 00:40:43
crystalwilson814 :
the dog barking like that is telling! and how does a helium balloon still inflated after a week looks like it's actually looking at stuff on the wall, not sitting well with my spirit
2025-03-02 15:52:48
Angia Stoner :
What gets me is it looks like it’s walking up the stairs
2025-03-01 01:07:39
rachaelblakeley150 :
I watched another video that said it was in reverse
2025-03-02 20:32:54
Skiptograce :
I like to know more aswell!
2025-03-01 12:35:36
🎶♥️ConnieJean13♥️🎶 :
I saw this and immediately thought of you.
2025-03-01 00:38:29
Dennis Kern :
it turned the lites out at the top of steps probably to hide how they did it
2025-03-02 10:57:08
Gonzos_Gizmos :
ex HVAC guy here. there is a good chance there is a return duct above this hallway causing a strong enough draft to pull the Ballon up the hallway. not convinced on this one
2025-03-01 14:22:51
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