@ryleejade.fit: Day✌️in Chattanooga! Some BTS of content creation, lots of food, and this morning’s shakeout 5K! After the 5K and sushi we took a long and much needed nap. The goal was to stay off our feet as much as possible in preparation for the marathon! 💪 Lunch @totto_sushi_grill Dinner @woodencitychattanooga After the marathon we want to continue to explore Chattanooga! Where should we go?! 📍 One more sleep! See ya tomorrow. 🫡 #chattanooga #tennessee #chattanoogatn #tn #marathonweekend #marathon #halfmarathon #5k #10K #raceweekend #rubyfalls #visitchatt #chattanoogamarathon #Vlog #vacationvlog #marathonvlog #runwithrylee #ryleejadefit #runnersmath #storyofarunner #sushi #pizza @visitchatt @Chase Bandolik