@meso_americans: Popocatépetl's and Iztaccíhuatl's love story is a tragic play. Iztaccíhuatl was a princess who fell deeply in love with one of her father's warriors. The Emperor, not approving of their love, sent Popocatépetl to war with the promise that when he returned, Iztaccíhuatl would be his wife. The Emperor believed that he would die in battle and Iztaccíhuatl was falsely told of her lover's death. Upon hearing the news, she had passed away in grief. When Popocatépetl returned and learned of her death, he took her to the outskirts of Tenochtitlan. There he laid with his lover, the gods changed their forms into mountains and blanketed them with snow. Iztaccíhuatl's mountain resembles a woman lying on her back and Popocatépetl's mountain is an active volcano signifying his anguish of his lost lover. #mesoamerica #lovestory #Love #folktales #mesoamerican #history #prehispanic #aztecs #aztechistory #mexica #aztec #🇲🇽 #mexico #mythology