@ksquires1111: Cora was born at 30 weeks, weighing 2 lbs 9 oz. She spent 32 days in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Like many preemies, she needed specialized care and nutrition to support her growth. Cora had trouble gaining weight, so the doctor put her on a nutritional fortifier to supplement her diet. What we didn’t know at the time is that there are two types of fortifiers available: cow milk-based and 100% breast milk-based (from @prolacta_bioscience). Research shows a breast milk-based diet can reduce complications and support healthier outcomes. I can’t help but think that if Cora had the opportunity to receive Prolacta’s fortifiers, she could have come home sooner and avoided some of the weight gain issues she faced. Many parents don’t know they have a choice. Ask your neonatologist about breast milk-based fortifiers and visit the link in my profile for more info! #NationalNutritionMonth #preemiebaby #preemie #NICUnutrition #NICUbaby #preemiemom #prolacta #prolactabioscience #humanmilkfortifier #humanmilk #breastmilk #preemiepower #NICUmom #NICU #nutrition @Prolacta Bioscience