@tabitha.blue: We went full mad scientist — meet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper WITH ESPRESSO 🤌🏻🤌🏻 Genious or chaos? Backstory... there was this sparkling water that Chris and I used to LOVE, and the flavor was cherry coffee. Sounds crazy, but it was so good. While this 👆🏻 isn't sparkling water, it gave us a full throwback to a drink we used to love (and bought up as much as we could when they discontinued it). If you don't have Cherry @drpepper, add Cherry syrup! @nespresso @nespressousa #DrPepper #EspressoHack #CaffeineBoost #SodaExperiment #CherryVanilla #CoffeeSoda #DrinkCombo #TasteTest #WeirdButGood