@ryanlongcomedy: W/ @domofnyc @Jarrett Campbell @Dannyjokes @Derek Drescher ON TOUR: LA: March 20 Irvine: March 21/22 San Jose: March 23 Tampa: March 28/29 Salt Lake City: April 11/12 Denver: April 13 Atlanta: April 25/26 Calgary: May 2-3 Uncasville: May 8-10 San Diego: June 20-22 Tulsa: July 31-Aug2 Appleton: September 19/20 Columbus: Sept 26 Cincinnati: Sept 27 Cleveland: Sept 28 Baltimore: oct 3-5 #funny #comedy #sketchcomedy
The women are down the hall saying they married a man with hair and now it’s all gone 😫
2025-03-05 12:12:31
Devin The Gum Dude :
I sent it… pray for me brothers
2025-03-05 00:04:32
Bob Grewe :
My wife divorced me after 30 years saying she just wanted more out of life, well she did like 150lbs more life!😂
2025-03-04 23:27:14
G.C.Mike :
body positivity reddits😂💀💀💀
2025-03-04 20:06:55
Vivienne :
I’m 170 lol
2025-03-05 00:44:06
Cougar :
I lost 180 lbs overnight. Kicked the hubby to the curb!!!
2025-03-05 21:06:18
Cuddly Panda :
My wife has put on weight she just can’t shift since the menopause. She eats the same and is just as active as she was before when she was skinny as a rake. She feels terrible about it, but I love her just the same and it makes no difference to me other than wanting to see her happy.
2025-03-07 08:42:49
Quirked Up White Boy :
My ex put on the baby weight. It never came off. I wasn’t attracted to her anymore, and it caused problems in the relationship. We’re broken up now but she says it’s all because of me being shallow…
2025-03-04 19:55:06
Larry Wayne Rangel :
🗣️🗣️🗣️“IT DIDNT TAKE!!” 😔😔😔 “it didn’t take…”
2025-03-04 18:51:41
Erik | Skill of Attraction :
Every man’s greatest fear…
2025-03-04 21:53:43
ihearuheal :
The only men who feel this way married women for their looks alone - if your husband sent you this, ditch him and find a man who loves the inner you. it’s 100 times more rewarding I promise you!
2025-03-06 03:30:23
taku :
is this supposed to be funny?
2025-03-06 17:20:47
Kristina Francesca :
My parents are married 40 years, and my mom gained 100lbs, I asked my dad if it bothered him. He said his only concern was he was worried she wasn’t happy.
2025-03-05 02:10:49
Lisa Phillips :
If yall only knew how terrible we already feel about ourselves. This is soul crushing.many of us fight it our whole lives.
2025-03-04 22:03:36
MjF77265 :
reading these comments makes me remember why i decided to be single. wow. the depthless superficial is suffocating
2025-03-05 00:04:08
Adrian Garbellini :
Pizza died on the crust for you. He defeated chicken, he defeated your hunger. He did this for you, and He gave us stuffed crust, spread the sauce.
2025-03-07 00:59:55
enricovoss :
i love every fat roll my wife has because im partly responsible for that..having kids take a toll on a womans bodies... uuyou cannot love your kids but hate the body they come from. thank your wifes😏
2025-03-07 08:17:16
Gainz. :
first thing I told my girl... you get fat.. I'm out. thankfully we're both into fitness and will do everything possible not to look like a bag of potatoes
2025-03-04 18:49:08
Rita Bongiovi :
the wives are down the hall at the E.D. meeting😅😅
2025-03-05 23:10:07
jasoniscrushing :
Am I allowed to show this to my currently-skinny and hot fiancé? Too soon?
2025-03-04 20:50:09
Rich :
I sent this to my wife, she's just hysterically laughing. she didn't get the hint guys.
2025-03-06 15:29:22
dannyboy75750 :
Scroll on boys. Do not send this!!
2025-03-04 21:36:40
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