@allegedlyreportedly: Breaking Teen Mom News…or is it? 👮 called to Mackenzie Standifers home yesterday after Ryan Edwards brought his posse there…aka Mimi Jen and Larry 🙄 Make sure you head over to @realitytvwithrei to listen to the 911 call, and @teenmomtncfannews for the screenshots! #TeenMom #TeenMomOG #TeenMomNextChapter #RyanEdwards #MackenzieStandifer
I have a hard time believing that only she was allowed to have someone there. I fully believe her parents were there to ambush R in some way whether it’s to berate him or not allow access or something
2025-03-05 12:52:37
Claza :
I do find these Ryan stans very biased! No grace for Mack she’s supposed to get over it but it’s held over her head she was young in love and married an addict?! Make it make sense
2025-03-05 16:31:30
teenmomtncfannews :
Thank you for sharing, I love your videos!!!
2025-03-05 17:07:32
Charlotte Anne :
She is such a narcissist poor RYAN
2025-03-05 20:27:24
Allie V Doreen :
sorry not sorry to anyone that is going to come to her defensive, and before anyone wants to bring up victim blaming I was a victim of extreme domestic violence and have a right to share my thoughts I wound never victim blame. that being said I have a hard time believing that she it the victim I know ryan trash their home but to be it seem like reactive abouse. whatever you would call it and I'll tell you why I believing this mac seems like the Narcissistic one out of the 2. she always cousing the drama always creating faults narratives. she constantly is the problem in coparenting with all the kids not just hers she was always creating conflict with maci alway. does anyone remember the Dr drew episode where she blames Maci for his addiction issues in the letter and doesn't even let her say what she want to say. does anyone remember the episode where ryan is literally so high that he can drive let alone mentally consent to a marriage. she was toxic at the beginning she was toxic during her marriage and now she being toxic during the divorce. so unless you have some very valid reason why she is not the domestic aboser I stand were I stand all she was ever interested in ryan for was his money and fam and that's why she always been so toxic
2025-03-05 17:23:06
realitytvwithrei :
Love you💕
2025-03-05 13:26:18
Mother of Chaos :
I'm so shocked 😂😂
2025-03-05 22:40:27
Daniela :
I wish he’d gone with Maci 😂
2025-03-05 14:32:01
jennie :
Mac is petty and made he is happy..
2025-03-05 12:59:52
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