@medicalschoolhq: ⏳ What should I do during my gap year? During Premed Office Hours, Dr. Gray & Courtney Lewis explain how to maximize your gap year to strengthen your med school application! 💡✨ 📍 Key Takeaways: ✅ Gap years are neutral—what matters is how you fill them. Use this time strategically! 🩺 Continue building clinical hours (especially if you’re under hours from undergrad). 🎯 Pro Tip: Review secondary prompts from your top-choice schools to identify gaps in your experiences. If schools value community engagement or advocacy, make sure your gap year reflects those values! 🔥 Bottom line: Your gap year is a chance to align your experiences with your dream schools' missions. Use it wisely! #premed #premedstudent #premedadvice #motivation #medicine #health #futuredoctor