@mrsamandastanton: Zoe’s therapist was very kind in explaining to her that she’s going to be taking a break, but he’ll miss her and she’s welcome to visit anytime. He texted me a couple of days later to tell her Happy Birthday. Zoe is not bothered at all by this break. She’s actually very pleased. Her last session was on a Monday, and every day that week she wanted to know what we’re doing “tomorrow,” (which is normal for her); I would tell her that I’m not sure what the plan is yet, and we’ll need to decide what we want to do tomorrow, she’d say, “well not therapy because I don’t do that anymore.” Every day that week. So she’s fine. #autismacceptance #autismparenting #cpwarrior #therapypractice #therapybreak
Sounds like a bit of learned helplessness. It’s important to understand her needs but if you continue to allow the refusal and do everything for her, she’ll never try.
2025-03-06 19:22:21
Lauren 🍭 :
Is it possible to get ABA therapy at home to work on the behavior of task refusal?
2025-03-06 20:10:23
Jenna Keller :
I'm an OT and I feel you!
2025-03-08 12:50:56
Caliexpat :
Stop doing it for her if she can do it herself. The power struggle will be hard but in the end it will be worth it.
2025-03-07 21:21:13
anoraborealis :
what happens if you don’t?
2025-03-07 03:07:01
Rachel Seaton619 :
I have cerebral palsy and did a ton of OT. With maturity the drive for independence will kick in. Especially when she sees peers doing things independently
2025-03-06 23:59:52
K_Kauai :
OT is hard & unfun. She’s been doing this her whole life. Shes not being “uncooperative”. Despite a diagnosis, she’s still a kid. Shes being a kid. She’s earned a break. 🤷🏻♀️
2025-03-07 01:14:41
TheLostLala :
as an autistic adult...part of the issue may be that she sees it as change.
2025-03-08 09:58:09
Cassandra :
She needs to be a kid. Not going might be better so she can be a kid. It will work out.
2025-03-06 21:13:16
Meg :
Remind her mommy won't always be with her. What about sleepovers or camp or college? Who will do those things then?
2025-03-06 20:28:50
Hannah Nelson :
I am an OT and it is the hardest when clients are not progressing and it is because parents are either not working on it, or clients don't engage- therefore I develop goals with my participants
2025-03-07 11:05:09
hankcupid :
I'm an OT. Breaks are a good thing. kids with CP have to expend so much more energy than those without - sometimes they don't want to expend the energy "must-dos" take so they have energy left for fun
2025-03-07 23:39:47
Ab (Rox's Version) :
She's a teenager she sees other able bodied teens don't have to do therapy and the things she has to do, so in her mind why should she? I was the same at that age so I get it
2025-03-08 09:44:26
travelinmama0484 :
So what have u been doing. For the past 15 years she should have been had OT when she was little 😒
2025-03-07 04:28:00
atypicaltaylors🇨🇦 :
Are you letting her struggle a little? I’m not saying let her drown with struggle but you can’t get her dressed for her everyday go somewhere fun and she goes if she gets herself dressed.
2025-03-07 14:59:50
Chaoscoordinator :
My students do this. Autism classroom. Their parents are like, they can read??? They won't here! Because they learned it's not required at home.
2025-03-07 02:58:38
Emma Matthew :
Honestly I’ve been straight up bribing one of my kids to dress himself (he’s autistic) the rewards started slightly more and are now fizzling out to being part of his responsibilities to earn his
2025-03-07 10:21:39
Tara Chandler :
I have spina bifida and I definitely went through a phase like this. My mom ended up giving me a bit of tough love and I eventually started doing things on my own.
2025-03-06 20:57:23
corcor321 :
We had to do tough love for my ASD 8 yr old, it took hours but he finally got himself dressed, hardest thing I’ve ever done. We had to not give him the choice that I would do it. It broke my heart.
2025-03-06 19:15:07
Jana Lyn Campos :
As anped OT this is one of the best things you can do! Since she has had OT for so long a break will most likely help her get motivation down the road 💕
2025-03-08 03:17:03
jade :
coming from someone who has a disability as well, unless you’re firm at home she’s gonna enjoy the coddling, my parents did that to me and i’m 26 now i get annoyed with the coddling when it happens
2025-03-06 23:49:15
BitchingRagingFisting :
I have a very stubborn AUDHD 5nyear old. when she gets into her moments, she could care less about doing big girl things. but when the things she DOES WANNA DO can't happen unless she does the other
2025-03-07 16:41:02
Sarah Kline :
This is the most extreme version of gentle parenting. She refuses is not an excuse. Natural consequences. I dress you, and you refuse to help, I pick out your clothes.
2025-03-08 11:37:42
sophiahippi :
I sound like odd
2025-03-07 02:53:36
D :
Fellow cerebral palsy girlie let her know that independence will open up a whole New World for her I am a 26 mom and I didn’t like I’m going to therapy until I realized how it helped me in my daily
2025-03-06 23:59:29
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