@mblimitless: Shadows in sunlight always run parallel. That’s basic physics. Yet, an official Apollo photo shows an astronaut’s shadow at 12 o’clock while a rock just 5 feet away casts a shadow at 9 o’clock—a 90-degree intersection. This isn’t sunlight; it’s an artificial light source close to the subjects. That means this photo was taken on Earth. One image proves the hoax.
If we went to the moon 60 years ago, we would be drilling oil on it today.
2025-03-08 01:45:56
gowokegobroke :
buzz admitted it never happened, Stanley Kubrick filmed it
2025-03-07 01:06:39
dadAtHomeDepot :
This has been his life’s goal. How embarrassing is this gonna be for him.
2025-03-08 16:20:22
cavemanrick1515 :
I can’t get service on my phone outside a big city, no way could there be communications to the moon in 1960’s . There wasn’t even color tv .
2025-03-07 04:09:48
Longproud :
If you believe in the moon landing you believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny
2025-03-07 02:07:01
Stevenj120volts :
shadows are not alway parallel. you can go outside and see this yourself
2025-03-07 16:43:16
thatguy :
an expert explains it and y'all still fighting that it real. then the "accidentally" destroyed the original recording....of the most important thing man had ever done?
2025-03-07 11:59:46
thighmark :
our whole life has been a lie
2025-03-07 13:20:41
user9056659054159 :
show us the flag on the moon today not 50 years ago.point the biggest telescopic on earth and let's see it.
2025-03-09 07:45:34
infidel67 :
Them setting up a telephone landline 250,000 miles long was the real accomplishment
2025-03-08 06:38:24
jamesmichaelfdny :
Thats not true. Mythbusters proved shadows do not always run parallel from one light source.
2025-03-07 03:42:37
Guy Fletcher :
A new probe just took photos of the landing sites we allegedly faked. Whoops.
2025-03-07 10:30:21
BillnScottsdale :
WHAT! You mean they lied to us!
2025-03-07 13:15:00
BlackStarr :
The temperature on the moon is almost 300°. so what kind of camera is that to take pictures in that extreme heat??????
2025-03-07 13:33:14
WullyBully :
well he certainly not an expert in the lighting. And if you look him up on IMDb, he's not much of an expert in filmmaking either
2025-03-08 18:24:57
... :
If he's never been to the moon how does he know how the lighting is there!
2025-03-08 08:09:04
Whaaaazzzzuuuuuup :
I mean live-streaming it to earth is the dead giveaway
2025-03-08 03:13:01
jupiter2pilot :
Russia had the technology to listen to and track every Apollo mission. They would have known without a doubt if it was faked.
2025-03-08 19:36:46
GizellaisZoe✝️🇺🇸AFF💪 :
for all you who still believe we went to the moon, how could have we lost the technology? We have better technology now.
2025-03-07 21:33:23
Bill Black :
There is no sound in a vacuum
2025-03-07 09:27:14
Parks N Wreck 🍉 :
no you proved the pictures were faked, not that we were never on the moon.
2025-03-08 02:40:20
Bingus :
The moon landing did happen. If the US had faked it, the Soviets would have called it out right away
2025-03-08 07:42:29
Dobbsy :
he's wrong lol
2025-03-07 15:37:41
Michelle yer Belle :
Wait til they open Fort Knox
2025-03-08 05:32:40
sabrinavsmith :
I wish someone would sum all this up in a Netflix documentary
2025-03-08 18:41:06
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