@sweatsimple: “Fat loss has gotten SO hard as I get older” I hear this ALL the time. And you’re not wrong…fat loss CAN get harder as we get older. But it’s not because your metabolism is broken, your hormones are unbalanced and you’re just STUCK. It’s because your lifestyle has likely changed drastically from your twenties. You have more responsibilities Work is more stressful You have less time for yourself Sleep feels nonexistent ^^All of these things are going to make fat loss feel harder But you know what’s really powerful? You have the ability to CHANGE all of these!!! It’s not your age that’s slowing down your metabolism. It’s your lifestyle. And that’s FULLY in your control. Ready for fat loss to stop feeling like such an uphill battle? Want to set up your life so that fat loss feels EASIER even as you get older? This is EXACTLY what I’m teaching you in Fat Loss Forever. My FREE challenge that’s going down March 18th-20th. You’ll get the exact strategies to set up your life so that fat loss feels effortless moving forward. Head to my bio to grab your FREE spot. #fatlossover30 #fatlossover40 #metabolismbooster #healthyhormones #bellyfatloss