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Saturday 08 March 2025 08:02:43 GMT
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นก ณัฏฐ์นรี :
2025-03-10 01:46:00
Mariluz Amador mari y sol :
con uno me conformo
2025-03-08 14:13:07
Célia da silva :
@Célia da silva: boa noite 🌙💤
2025-03-10 01:46:38
Célia da silva :
Deus abençoe vocês
2025-03-10 01:46:34
2025-03-09 05:46:39
Ayiki :
2025-03-08 19:08:58
Anie Dugaduga :
2025-03-08 15:53:47
Akosua Papabi 👑🌈💯 :
2025-03-08 14:00:32
Merry Sweeti :
2025-03-08 10:43:27
Manu tamang :
2025-03-08 09:51:43
congthai :
2025-03-08 11:21:43
Maria Martins :
2025-03-08 19:55:08
Ivonete :
2025-03-09 05:05:22
raimundacarmodasi :
2025-03-09 03:10:18
fransciscasouzado :
2025-03-09 02:10:46
laerciaestrategia :
2025-03-08 22:25:01
Raimunda Gomes de oliveira :
2025-03-08 20:11:03
Yacke Diaz :
2025-03-08 18:49:29
유정순 :
2025-03-10 05:40:04
Jose Ferreira :
2025-03-10 00:51:46
Ali boss :
2025-03-09 23:14:58
Mildred Saviñon :
2025-03-09 23:09:50
Angelina Homjak :
2025-03-09 15:02:15
moms :
2025-03-09 10:48:41
bintouconte747 :
2025-03-09 08:47:48
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I love the excitement she gets whenever she gets anything for taking care of bean! 😂 backstory ::: We are rushing to buy everything we can, because we aren’t sure if we will make it to 40 weeks. There’s a chance that she comes early and we haven’t even planned for that until now! The nursery is still in shambles, the hospital bags aren’t ready, and we are missing so many things that we still need to buy… 😅 Anyways, I was coming out of the bathroom and I heard some noise coming from the living room, a mix of excitement and tape tearing (I assume from Kay opening a box by pulling with all of her might). I came in to see what was going on and Kay had yet another baby item! 😂 She was so excited about this, because she’s never used a a portible one before, and was excited to have it for bean. We opened it and spent the next hour reading the manual on how it works! 😂 it’s always so fun seeing Kay’s first reaction to things like this! She’s always so observant of every detail and really tries to understand each new thing! 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant
I think it’s her new favorite meal! 😳❤️ backstory ::: I love to cook for Kay, especially since she’s gotten pregnant. As it becomes harder for her to do things, it is twice as rewarding to cook for her, because I get to give her more time to relax while also getting to see her reaction to the recipes that I find. ❤️ Recently, Kay has been reading to bean in the afternoon (the cats like to come listen also), and I figured that today, I could cook up dinner for us while she kept reading! The recipe I found this time was a lot more difficult than my usual ones (or at least required more steps). So it took a long time to make! You can see the clock change from the start to end to see how long it took to make dinner! 😂 I feel like at this stage in Kay’s pregnancy journey, all we do is open baby stuff and eat! But that’s probably just how it’s supposed to be! I am fine with it though, because doing anything with Kay is enjoyable to me. ❤️ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant
She ALWAYS picks that movie! 😂❤️ backstory ::: Throughout Kay’s pregnancy journey, she has come up with the weirdest/wackiest cravings! They are mainly sweets, which makes me think that our daughter is going to be so so sweet! 😅 Today’s craving was extra random, but that’s ok because it ended up tasting amazing! This craving is the definition of junk food! 😂 For once I actually had some of the ingredients, so I only had to go get a couple things, so that’s good! This craving left the house smelling so good, and it tasted amazing (Like a s’mores French toast) 😂 I love making Kay’s concoctions, and so far, they have always been amazing! I can’t wait until she gets over this one so she’ll start coming up with a new one! ❤️ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant
I’m not exaggerating when I say that we have been eating this once a week for the last month! 😂 backstory ::: Kay is getting oh so close to having this baby! We are frantically getting everything ready, which is becoming more and more difficult as Kay grows. She’s at the point where even sitting up takes a ton of effort, and she gets worn out just doing simple tasks. Despite that, Kay has continued to cook and clean and do everything that she can to keep us in order before the baby comes. ❤️ She has had a craving for stuffed peppers, which I made her one time for a craving. In the last month, she has been on this stuffed pepper kick, and we are eating it over and over! 😂 i am happy as long as she’s happy, and the peppers DO taste good! 😅 I’m so proud of her for growing bean and being so positive despite feeling horrible, so eating 20-30 stuffed peppers is the least I can do for her! 😂❤️ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant
She didn’t think this through, so she had to suffer all day! 😂❤️ Backstory ::: Kay, in her culinary pursuits to subdue another pregnancy craving, inadvertently transformed a humble potato into a fiery spectacle within our microwave. A touch overcooked, it met its fate with flames billowing out of the potato bag it was wrapped in. With a touch of panic, Kay dispatched the smoldering spud into the sanctuary of the sink, promptly filling our apartment with the ever-lingering aromatic aftermath of a burnt potato… Enter all of your wise/sage advice, generously bestowed upon Kay, leading her to the enchanted realm of ✨simmer pots✨. A vessel wherein ingredients simmer and weave an aromatic tapestry that titillates the senses. Kay promptly ordered one to exorcise the lingering ghost of the incendiary tuber. Fast forward to the grand arrival of the simmer pot, a momentous occasion that unfolded while I toiled away at the realms of employment. With gusto, Kay initiated the aromatic ritual, unwittingly setting in motion a series of unforeseen consequences! 😳 For, you see, the fragrant tendrils of cinnamon and apple, emanating from the simmer pot, proved too irresistible for our dear Kay. A most curious conundrum befell her—a relentless craving for apple pie, a desire left unsatisfied. Picture, if you will, Kay ensconced in our fragrant haven, surrounded by the heady symphony of scents, her yearning for apple pie intensifying with each passing moment. Hours drifted by as she inhaled the tantalizing essence without a morsel of the coveted pastry in sight. 😂 Upon my return, the aromatic onslaught assailed my senses, and in a moment of empathetic revelation, I grasped the depths of Kay's struggle. Swiftly, with gallant resolve (as always), I ventured to the marketplace, returning triumphantly with the coveted apple pie! The expression on Kay's countenance upon that first, long-awaited bite bespoke volumes—an epic saga of desire culminating in the sweet victory of a single, blissful taste. Verily, a tale of burnt potatoes, simmer pots, and the pursuit of the elusive apple pie, woven with the whimsy and fragrance that defines our humble kitchen chronicles. 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant
The doctor went over the risks with us… and over the next couple weeks we’ll have to decide what we need to do to make sure that bean can be born safely. ❤️🥺 backstory ::: Kay has had a fairly normal pregnancy so far! She’s had some symptoms that are annoying or sometimes painful, but nothing that has ever been a risk to our daughter. However, at the last appointment, it was found that her fluid levels were too high, they told us to come back a week later to be rechecked, and today, they were too high again. This can be scary because if there’s too much fluid, when her water breaks, the cord could come out first before the head makes a seal. This would cause the head to pinch the cord and the blood flow to be restricted and which could result in the worst outcome! 😞 There are other issues as well but this is the most scary for us. We are hoping that a miracle happens and the fluid levels start to come down, otherwise we might have to be induced, which we don’t want to have to do unless medically necessary… Wish us luck over the next couple weeks! We are so excited for baby bean and want to make sure that we do everything we can to get her out safely. ❤️ #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant
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