@alanzzsz: [edit] You people in the comments are such a pain in the ass, by coded i just meant the vibes idfk bro ‘all of these arent even vkei’ jyushi n kurama are vkei artists?? vincent is so based on atsushi?? and dont tell me i dont know anything about vkei bacause first you dont know anything about me, second it was one of my biggest hyperfixations and third this vid was obviously just meant for fun. yes i forgot about some characters because i couldnt add everyone and i cant know every single character that can resemble visual kei. i hate you all { #alanzzsz #visualkei #vkei #vkeitiktok #zyxbca #blackbutler #nanbaka #kamisamakiss #hypnosismic #twst #castlevania #enstars #guiltygear #HonkaiStarRail #fyp }