@geezelouiseeeee: My biggest goal is to reach Financial Independence, Retire Early (FI/RE). I dont want to work until retirement age. Life is too short to just work and grind non-stop without traveling and experiencing the world! Here are the different types of FI/RE: 🔥 Lean FI/RE – Living frugally and retiring early with minimal expenses. 🔥 Fat FI/RE – Retiring early with a comfortable or even luxurious lifestyle, requiring a higher savings goal. 🔥 Coast FI/RE – Saving enough early on so investments grow on their own, allowing you to work only as needed. 🔥 Barista FI/RE – Reaching financial independence but still working part-time for extra income or benefits. 🔥 Slow FI/RE – Taking a gradual approach, enjoying life along the way instead of aggressively saving. I’m currently taking the SLOW FI/RE approach by prioritizing work-life balance and taking breaks instead of grinding nonstop, with the goal of FAT FI/RE. And yes it’s possible to do both! What about you? ☺️ #financialgoals #FinancialIndependence #FIREMovement