Collect funds for a postpartum doula to come take care of you postpartum 💖 best gift ever for recovery.
2025-03-11 05:18:20
Beanie Lacy :
Don’t stock up on newborn clothes. Do the 0-3 months; they’ll last you longer. Skip over any sleeper that uses snaps to close- get the double zippers ones instead. Get all the zip sleepers.
2025-03-10 21:50:14
Chelsey Faye :
you need diapers, baby wipes, bottles(if not exclusively breastfed) blankies, oh and you don't need 300 full outfits, but do need a ton of onesies, because they grow so fast. oh, diapers for u for pp!
2025-03-12 13:22:26
Dmonica888 :
All your baby needs is her moms yall will figure the rest out!! Congratulations!!
2025-03-10 23:42:30
Mely :
You’re going to want to make sure you have a good stock of the adult diapers. The ones from the hospital are great. (1/
2025-03-10 23:49:09
elle knight 🤺 :
my sister always says diapers, all sizes but especially whatever size baby first comes out. check the estimated weight because sometimes newborn don't fit.
also, grocery or door dash etc coupons
2025-03-10 19:58:22
daneekarene :
I’m without kids but studying to coach pregnant moms. If there is one thing I’ve learned, put your nutrition as a priority too postpartum even when all focus is baby care. Replenish your nutrition!
2025-03-11 02:40:42
Ily :
Swaddles are great!!!!!!!!!!!
2025-03-11 00:24:20
LisaWho?? :
diapers, onesies, diaper cream, sleepers, and a bassinet. Bottles of course if not solely breastfed. The rest will come when you know what you need when you need it cause it’s different for all.
2025-03-12 04:54:53
M :
Diapers of all sizes/wipes, onesies, sleepers, a bouncer, white noise machine, bottles/cleaning, Burp rags, travel system.
2025-03-11 17:02:21
Michelle :
You literally need only diapers (tons of them), baby wipes, bottles, a bottle brush, blankets, and lots of onsies. Don’t get a bunch of cute outfits cause they grow out of em so quick.
2025-03-12 04:53:03
Chelsea :
diapers in multiple sizes so you will be stocked as they grow !!!a bouncer or swing …or somewhere mobile to set them when you need your hands free and a stroller !
2025-03-11 02:04:26
Beanie Lacy :
Need: all the muslin swaddles. They will multitask SO WELL. Need baby to chill out? Swaddle. Protect you from spit up? Swaddle. Sunshade? Swaddle. Swaddles for EVERYTHING.
2025-03-10 21:45:26
Beanie Lacy :
You do not need the state of the art bassinet. Baby will quickly outgrow it. If you want a bassinet, get the pack n play that comes with one.
2025-03-10 21:47:30
Beanie Lacy :
Also, get a postpartum girdle or a beautiful tummy support wrap. Not for aesthetics, they help your organs be in the right place and have support. I still use my Bellefit pp girdle as shapewear.
2025-03-10 21:54:23
Ken Brissy :
2025-03-12 08:06:02
CBecks :
I watched a bunch of TikToks of moms lists of stuff they actually needed &made my list from there, based on stuff I thought I’d actually use/liked, highlyy recommend @tushbaby . Saves your back!!
2025-03-10 19:51:46
chronicallySingle1987 :
You don’t need a wipe warmer or that dumb diaper genie.. stick to the basics bc a lot of it is just marketing like you said
2025-03-10 19:51:34
Jes :
You can never ever go wrong with diapers. One thing I will say which no one really talks about it and it’s not really a baby shower gift but post partum depression is awful. Plenty of vitamins and
Needs: baby swing, a weighted wipe dispenser (GAME CHANGER), butt paste spatula and butt paste
2025-03-11 06:12:38
ileanmolina8 :
When sick or have mocos 😪 I recommend nosefrida.
2025-03-11 05:20:53
Ily :
A SAFE car seat for the Baby Boy!!! A Bassinet… a million diaper boxes… a hundred “onesies…” a baby carriage ( spend some $$ for one that’s solid) I’m not a Mom, but I know many who are!!! 🌹✌️
2025-03-11 00:20:55
Mely :
If you plan on breastfeeding, get yourself a quality pump (like a Spectra)! They also sell attachments that allow you to pump hands free. By far, that pump was such a lifesaver and well worth it!
2025-03-10 23:34:04
Ana Hernandez :
You need a breast pump for sure. Even if you’ll be breast feeding it really helped me to relieve the pain since I was producing lots of milk.
2025-03-11 11:13:03
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