@my.new.main.11: Uh so we don’t always get along too well or have always had the best relationship but you’ve ALWAYS been here for me when no one else was. When I had no friends you would always sit down and listen even if you didn’t want to. I know I don’t show it too much but I do love you and I’m so glad that I get to call you my dad. You you crack me up when we yell at random people and when you tell me what to say back to people when they are being mean😭. We have sooooooo many moments and memories tg that I could go over forever about them. Good and bad. Sad and happy. Week and strong. But even after it all you have never ever given up on me no matter that bad decision I make or when I find out I lied to you about where I was or who I was with you always have been there. Love ya