@queenofthedamnedasylum: Truth Tuesday! Never ever let someone demenish what trials you've had to face in your life. I guarantee if those who do had to lace up your shoelaces for a day, they would give them back real quick! We all have a story and I choose to use mine to inspire others. No one could have survived half of what I've gone through! We (the ones who go through a lot) are warriors 💪 remember that! I would never wish anything I've gone through on someone! But will I tell my story to uplift others? Yes, I will! I'm writing my book as we speak, too! #fyp #yougotthis #warriors #brainsurgerysurvivor #dvsurvivor #unaliveattemptsurvivor #eatingdisorderwarrior #depressionwarrior #anxietywarrior #hydrocephaluswarrior #shuntsurvivor