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Pelvic Bone (Hip Bone) Anatomy The pelvic bone, also known as the hip bone, is a large, irregularly shaped bone that forms the foundation of the pelvis. It is composed of three fused bones: 	1.	Ilium – The broad, uppermost part of the pelvis. It provides support for the abdominal organs and serves as an attachment point for muscles. 	2.	Ischium – The lower, posterior part of the pelvis. It bears the body’s weight when sitting. 	3.	Pubis – The anterior portion of the pelvis, forming the front of the pelvic girdle. The two pubic bones meet at the pubic symphysis. The pelvic bone plays a crucial role in supporting the body’s weight, providing attachment points for muscles, and protecting internal organs such as the bladder, intestines, and reproductive organs. It also connects the spine to the lower limbs, allowing for movement and stability. Tos suyagi (Son suyagi) anatomiyasi Tos suyagi, shuningdek, son suyagi deb ham ataladi, katta va murakkab shakldagi suyak bo‘lib, tos (pelvis) asosini tashkil etadi. U uchta birikkan suyakdan iborat: 	1.	Ilium – Tos suyagining eng katta va yuqori qismi. U qorin a’zolarini qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi va turli mushaklar birikadigan joy hisoblanadi. 	2.	Ischium – Tos suyagining pastki va orqa qismi. U o‘tirgan paytda tananing og‘irligini ko‘taradi. 	3.	Pubis – Tos suyagining oldingi qismi bo‘lib, chap va o‘ng pubik suyaklari o‘zaro pubik simfiz orqali birikadi. Tos suyagi tananing og‘irligini ushlab turish, mushaklar uchun mustahkam birikish nuqtalarini ta’minlash va siydik pufagi, ichak hamda reproduktiv a’zolarni himoya qilish kabi muhim funksiyalarni bajaradi. Bundan tashqari, u umurtqa pog‘onasini pastki oyoq suyaklari bilan bog‘lab, harakat va barqarorlikni ta’minlaydi.
Pelvic Bone (Hip Bone) Anatomy The pelvic bone, also known as the hip bone, is a large, irregularly shaped bone that forms the foundation of the pelvis. It is composed of three fused bones: 1. Ilium – The broad, uppermost part of the pelvis. It provides support for the abdominal organs and serves as an attachment point for muscles. 2. Ischium – The lower, posterior part of the pelvis. It bears the body’s weight when sitting. 3. Pubis – The anterior portion of the pelvis, forming the front of the pelvic girdle. The two pubic bones meet at the pubic symphysis. The pelvic bone plays a crucial role in supporting the body’s weight, providing attachment points for muscles, and protecting internal organs such as the bladder, intestines, and reproductive organs. It also connects the spine to the lower limbs, allowing for movement and stability. Tos suyagi (Son suyagi) anatomiyasi Tos suyagi, shuningdek, son suyagi deb ham ataladi, katta va murakkab shakldagi suyak bo‘lib, tos (pelvis) asosini tashkil etadi. U uchta birikkan suyakdan iborat: 1. Ilium – Tos suyagining eng katta va yuqori qismi. U qorin a’zolarini qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi va turli mushaklar birikadigan joy hisoblanadi. 2. Ischium – Tos suyagining pastki va orqa qismi. U o‘tirgan paytda tananing og‘irligini ko‘taradi. 3. Pubis – Tos suyagining oldingi qismi bo‘lib, chap va o‘ng pubik suyaklari o‘zaro pubik simfiz orqali birikadi. Tos suyagi tananing og‘irligini ushlab turish, mushaklar uchun mustahkam birikish nuqtalarini ta’minlash va siydik pufagi, ichak hamda reproduktiv a’zolarni himoya qilish kabi muhim funksiyalarni bajaradi. Bundan tashqari, u umurtqa pog‘onasini pastki oyoq suyaklari bilan bog‘lab, harakat va barqarorlikni ta’minlaydi.
