Bubble mew is ugly and basic. I would sell it quick for Tag Team cards or Sword & Shield alt arts
2025-03-15 15:24:42
ithinkitsoknow :
will squirtle and bulbasaur in SCR and that sleeping raichu go down as well?
2025-03-15 05:57:19
Ahmad1789 :
Just picked one up In a 10 with gaurd for 850 good or bad?
2025-03-16 00:04:43
Yummzterz ➡️AC :
with the incoming recession people won't have money to get pokemon even even we want it, and there will be printing in mass bc of the begging of the year, everything is gonna tank
2025-03-15 04:49:50
Panayiotis :
sure but who defines cheap and expensive? in ones eye, the £100 charizard is already expensive, you get me?
2025-03-15 09:37:59
user9900840671961 :
Long term thoughts on Judge?
2025-03-15 04:44:26
Joseph Wilhelm :
Charizard Obsidian Flames SIR - you’ll thank me later 🔥
2025-03-15 07:04:27
Jokerz :
I'm upset I missed out on soo many good cards last summer at lower prices. financial stress took away from my pokemon buying ability for a bit LY
2025-03-15 11:44:25
user1671425680165 :
How long do you think until PSA 9 prices close in on 10’s? I feel like it’s only modern cards that are close to raw prices at 9 with a huge jump at 10.
2025-03-15 05:04:38
The numbers guy :
2025-03-15 04:41:36
TrainerUnknownUK :
unrelated random question buddy, do PSA send you your semi-rigid card holders back with your submitted cards?
2025-03-15 04:40:34
Kammbo :
Thoughts what what the surging sparks Pikachu SIR will do? Think it has a ceiling much higher than around where it’s currently at?
2025-03-15 12:24:32
Gaby Prz-Mndz :
I just pulled that artucino from battle partners and I love it 🥰
2025-03-15 05:26:41
BorosMagicMan :
SV IR’s/SIR’s are absolutely amazing but with every set having these cards it will eventually get flooded out especially with reprints. It will fluctuate so pick and choose wisely.
2025-03-16 06:52:36
JoyousHamster :
the market is also inflated at the moment from hype, so some of these increases are temporary hikes, but for sure will still go up from previous year, but may not stay at current highs.
2025-03-15 15:47:18
Smelt-It :
glad i listened to you about the megas!
2025-03-15 15:16:14
redpanda36 :
So is bubble mew a buy right or wait a little longer?
2025-03-15 05:47:06
Blaze&BirchLaserCutting :
anything charizard, it will be big for some reason
2025-03-16 03:38:42
V_ene :
Do you think anything will happen to the price of dark holo Pokemon considering destined rivals won’t have any dark Pokemon?
2025-03-15 17:59:59
MJ :
That’s how I felt about the Sword and Shield UPCs. There are Charizard promos! 😎
2025-03-16 04:22:20
Nate :
Bubble mew will go back up after a while I think.
2025-03-16 02:13:57
S :
I’m going to a card show, at the end of the month I’m hoping to trade the main charizard from 151 for it. Hopefully it goes down more lol I need it for my set
2025-03-15 16:54:18
thomas things uk :
I got one at a card show today raw for £110
2025-03-15 22:42:18
BlackBeardBrian89 :
That Bubble Mew will definitely go up again in a few years to come
2025-03-15 16:31:17
fanny :
I hope there’s gonna be a time where I can walk out with a handful of cards I like after paying a comfy price
2025-03-15 19:04:46
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