@maxgurl08: Everyone has a past🙃 but only a few lucky ones like me 👍🏻would come across a beautiful person 👫 who help heal the wounds of yesterday and give wings for a happier tomorrow🥰😘Thank u @stephenzec for giving me the faith❤️ hope ❤️& strength 💪 to put my life back together with your soul😎 Thanks for erasing the word nightmare from the dictionary of my life 🙏 and putting a smile back on my face😁 U have definitely taught me that there’s so much more to life than dwelling in the past🥰🤣Thank u darls🙏🏼❤️ u💋 #stephenzechariah #stephenzechariahfanzclub😎❣️😍 #stephenzechariahofficial #iloveyou❤️ #forever #fyp #viral #trendingvideo