@kmrobinsonlife: Exposing my Instagram photos! I was challenged to do a fog-inspired image and I wanted to give it eerie vibes of uncertainty so I grabbed a blue dress, blindfolded myself with my hair, and started working. I built out a foggy pathway, adding trees to various locations and then replaced the stone work on the ground to be a little more obvious. Then I added in more fog and inserted the flying book pages behind it to make it a part of the scene. I played with my lighting and coloring before adding even more fog and blending myself into the fog bank to show how the character I was creating was stumbling her way through. What should I do for tomorrow’s image? Give me a challenge! Follow for more photo behind the scenes! #photoshootidea #BookTok #authorlifestyle #photoshop #photoshoptutorial #amreading #exposingmyinsta